Friday, August 31, 2007

Course Requirements

English 115
Section: 23
Instructor: Swan Ashby
Room: 418
Hours: 10:00-10:50 MWF
Lab Room: 425
Lab Hours: 11-11:50 W
Office Hours: F 8-8:50
Office Location: Rm. 400K
Mailbox Location: RM 430J

Course Description:
English 115 is a transfer-level course that provides instruction and practice in the reading and writing of expository and argumentative essays. We will emphasize the principles of organization, logical reasoning, the use of evidence, paragraph and essay development, and research techniques. Reading selections will provide material for discussion, topics for writing assignments, and examples of effective writing. This course includes a required lab.

Required Texts: Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen Mandell. Patterns for College Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006
Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers. 6th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004.
Recommended Texts: A good college dictionary and thesaurus

Required Materials:
IBM formatted disk
Access to a word processor (all papers must be typed)
Access to the Internet

Course Goals:
Students who give this class their best effort can expect to:
Identify correct inductive and deductive reasoning and avoid logical fallacies in argumentative essays.
Use many different organizational methods in their writing such as Comparison/Contrast, Cause/Effect, Classification, Definition, Exemplification, Narration or Description, and Argumentation
Refine critical thinking skills
Develop research skills and strategies for evaluating relevant sources.
Learn how to properly incorporate research sources
Refine spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills
Go beyond refining syntax, spelling, and grammar and develop a style of writing
Learn how to use campus resources to improve their writing
Develop effective revision strategies
Learn the importance of audience and peer evaluation

Grades Are Based On:
One 5-10 page research paper = 20%
Four formal three-page essays = 20% (5% each)
Mid Term = 5%
Final Exam = 5%
Reading Response Journal = 10%
Quizzes = 10%
Class Participation = 5%
Homework = 15%
Final Project = 10%

Course Policies:

In-class activities depend on your presence. Please come every day on time. You will be permitted 2 absences per semester; your grade may be compromised if there are more. If you know you will be unable to attend a class meeting, let me know ahead of time; it is not necessary for you to contact me if you are not in class. Do not continually leave early or come late; I will count these occurrences as partial absences. You will be able to earn extra credit points with perfect or near-perfect attendance.

The weekly lab hour is an integral part of this course, and you are required to attend all sessions. Each lab assignment is listed on the class schedule. If you are not prepared to work on the given assignment, an alternative assignment will be given, and you will receive a zero for class participation for the day. The same behavior expected in the classroom will be required in the lab. Excessive talking, checking e-mail, or otherwise disruptive/disrespectful behavior will result in your being dismissed and marked absent from lab.

You must come to class having done the reading, homework, and writing that is due that day. Be prepared for reading quizzes, which may be unannounced. Also, all work is due at the beginning of class. No credit will be given for homework that is done in class.

Journal responses are based upon the readings from Patterns and from your own experiences. You are required to write 1 FULL page per week. After each reading, you will be given questions to choose from the Patterns text. Choose a question only if you can write at least 1 page; if you cannot write at least one page but would still like to respond to that question, choose an additional question to equal one or more pages of response. Journals require at least ONE FULL page per assigned reading.

Homework Length/Content:
Homework is based on your readings from the Patterns text and must be typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins and unless otherwise specified, 1 ½ pages long (1 full page of 23 lines and one half page of 12 lines). You are required to use relevant quoted material from your reading in each of your homework assignments. Once you learn MLA format, all homework must be in MLA format.

Late Homework:

Late Essays
You must turn in every essay the day it is due. I will accept an essay ONE class meeting late WITH a medical/emergency excuse. If you still cannot attend class one meeting after the day the essay is due, ask someone to drop your essay, accompanied by medical/emergency documentation, in my mailbox in room 430J by the end of the day.
Essay Revision:
Every essay you turn in will be graded according to content and technical ability. You will receive a grade when I return the essays. If you are not satisfied with your grade, you will have ONE week from the day your essay is returned to revise it. Once you revise it, your grade is final. Your revising your essay does not guarantee to raise your grade; however, revising your essay cannot lower your grade. ESSAYS THAT DO NOT MEET MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS WHEN FIRST TURNED IN WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE REVISED.

Academic Honesty:
If you plagiarize (try to pass off another person’s writing for your own) in any form, you will risk at the least an F in the course and possible referral to the Dean of Student Affairs. There is ZERO TOLERANCE of plagiarism in this course. At minimum, you will receive a zero on the assignment; at maximum, you will fail the course. If I have questions about the authenticity of your work, I will ask you to prove in some way that the work is your own; this may involve my looking at your notes or your completing another task in my presence. If you fail to prove that your work is your own, you will receive an F in the course. Staying in this class indicates your acceptance of this policy.

Professionalism is crucial to the advancement of your career, both in college and beyond. It includes punctuality, preparation, attitude, participation, and a consistent willingness to assume personal responsibility. Excuses for incomplete or missing assignments will not give you credit because excuses are simply obstacles that have not been overcome.

Course Content:
This course will challenge you to analyze subjects about which you may have strong opinions. In addition, some of the materials that we will be reading/viewing may contain “mature content” and represent unconventional viewpoints regarding sexuality, race, politics, etc. If you object to reading about, writing about, and/or discussing such issues, it is recommended that you enroll in a different section of English 115.

Classroom Etiquette:
v Sexist, racist, and/or homophobic comments are offensive and inconsistent with an academic atmosphere; they will not be given a forum in this class.
v Please give your full attention with others are speaking. Also keep in mind that participating in discussions includes taking turns; even if you have a lot to say, give others the space to contribute too.
v Please do not pack up and leave until class is over.
v Please turn or silence all cell phones or other noisemakers.

Special Needs:
If you have special needs (vision or hearing difficulties, a learning difference, physical challenge, etc.), please let me know right away, and I will do my best to accommodate you. Contact your DSS specialist on the first floor of the Student Services Building for the Academic Accommodations Form, and give me a copy, so I can make any necessary adjustment/s for you. This syllabus and class schedule are available in alternate format upon request.

Writing Center:
English 115 assumes college-level writing proficiency, including the appropriate grammar and punctuation skills. If any aspect of your writing is not yet at this level, it is your responsibility to improve these skills through the use of campus resources like the Writing Center. The Southwestern College Writing Center (Academic Success Center, 420 Building) provides free tutoring to writers of all levels of ability on a walk-in basis. The purpose of the Writing Center is to guide and teach students rather than to “fix” papers; tutoring is designed to help you develop and refine skills that you will carry with you beyond a given assignment or course. The tutors will be happy to assist you at any stage of the writing process. You are required to visit the Writing Center at least once for this class.

*The course requirements and class schedule are subject to change according to time constraints or other unforeseen occurrences.

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